Welcome to JuteMet
JuteMet is a web-based agrometeorological database management system (ADBMS)-cum-agroadvisory system to store, access, and update climatic data for agricultural advisory services.
JuteMet is a web-based agrometeorological database management system (ADBMS)-cum-agroadvisory system for management of climate data and for disseminating agroadvisory services on jute, and allied fibre crops like mesta and roselle, sisal, sunnhemp, flax, and ramie for India.This will help to improve climate research on these important natural fibre crops. Advisory services for weather-based cultivation aspect will help farmers and other stake holders.
Related Instruments
Target area
ICAR-Central Research Institute for Jute & Allied Fibres (ICAR-CRIJAF) is situated at Nilganj, Barrackpore, Kolkata. This institute has four research stations, viz. Sisal Research Station at Bamra (Odisha), Sunnhemp Research Station at Pratapgarh (Uttar Pradesh), Ramie Research Station at Sorbhog (Assam), and Central Seed Research Station for JAF at Budbud (West Bengal). ICAR-CRIJAF has five agrometeorological observatories under its control. Head quarter and every research station have their individual observatory to record climatic data.